Thematic Network on Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products Systems and Structures (5th EU SAFERELNET) Summary Reports:

Alternative design methods in fire protection, changes in legislation connected with fire safety on ship.
Mathematical and computational modelling of fire and its spread:
verification of dislocation of risk objects on a ship as a method of fire protection.
Fire and explosion hazard in industry.
Engine room and accommodation spaces as a place of fire hazard on a ship.
Fire and explosion prevention and protection methods on ships, in ports and shipyards.
Dislocation of risk objects as a method against fire risk.
Dislocation of risk objects as an alternative method of fire protection.

KBN nr 4-54-9027/12-00-00, 2003- 2005 r., Projekt badawczy: 5 T12C 027 23 pt. Techniczne zabezpieczenie statków morskich od zagrożeń wibroakustycznych i pożarów. Technical safety methods against vibroacoustic and fire safety dangers. Autor tematu nr 2: Techniczne zabezpieczenie statków morskich od zagrożeń pożarów: Scenariusze pożarowe i przegrody pożarowe.

Ekspertyza pożarowa po pożarze statku m/v Green Klipper na zlecenie Morskiej Stoczni Remontowej Gryfia S.A.